Monday, October 6, 2008

Randomnicity!! :)

Ok I stole this idea from Adrianes Blog. I thought it was awesome so I did it too. Here's how it's done.
1) Go to Flickr
2) In a separate tab go to Mosaic Maker
3) Set up your mosaic criteria by choosing 4 columns and 3 rows
4) Go back to Flickr and type in the search field the answers to the following questions.
5) Using only the first page of search results, find and click on a photo that best represents your answer.
6) Copy and paste the URL into the spaces at Mosaic Maker.
7) Save your finished Mosaic to your computer and post it on your blog. Don't forget to explain your answers!

Now here's the questions:
1) What's your first name? Amanda
2) What is your favorite food? Olive Garden
3)What college/high school did you go to? Utah College of Massage Therapy
4)What is your favorite color? Hot Pink. Lime Green
5)Who is your celebrity crush? Keith Urban
6)Favorite Drink? Coca-Cola
7)Dream Vacation? Tonga
8)Favorite Dessert? key lime pie... yum!
9)What do you want to be when you grow up? Massage Therapist! :)
10)What do you love most in life? family and friends
11) One word to describe you? adventurous
12)Your Flickr name? I dont have one.. but LIVESTRONG is on everythign. so we'll use that! :)


Krystal said...

This is cute!! I totally love the new page! I'll try to do a little thingy tonight when I get home.. You have to help remind me. oKie dokie! Love Ya!

Marie said...

So cute! Im gonna have to try this one out!

McMarvin said...

hey sis almost same background!!!!!!!!!